Your recommended pole length will appear here.

Determine Your Ideal Pole Length

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Terrain Preference

How to Measure the Perfect Size Trailblaze Running Poles for Maximum Performance

Step 1: Determine Ideal Pole Length

  • A general guideline is to calculate the pole length as 68-70% of your height. Multiply your height in centimeters by 0.68 to 0.70.

  • Alternatively, for imperial measurements, multiply your height in inches by 0.68 to get the approximate pole size in inches.

Step 2: Adjust for Terrain and Technique

  • Uphill preference: Opt for slightly shorter poles for better control.

  • Flat and technical trails: Use standard length for balance and efficiency.

  • Long descents: Consider adjustable poles for versatility.

Step 3: Test for Comfort

Hold the poles with elbows bent at a 90° angle. This ensures your arms and poles work efficiently during climbs and descents.

Adjustable poles can be useful for fine-tuning length based on terrain or personal preference.